Halloween is now over; Thanksgiving is coming to an end and fall is “leafing” us soon. The weather is turning cold, and a lot of people question what to do with their leftover pumpkins? You buy pumpkins year after year and toss them in the trash to go to waste when there are plenty of great uses for them. Here are a few ways to repurpose those leftover pumpkins and to get your money’s worth out of them!
To compost your pumpkins all you really need to do is smash your pumpkin into the ground or compost pile, cover it with leaves, and let nature do its job. Make sure your pumpkin is free of candles, glitter and such things that can be harmful to wildlife. Another thing you may want to do is clear your pumpkin of all seeds. If you do happen to leave your seeds you may see some pumpkins sprouting next year and that may save you some more money and you can create your own little pumpkin patch. If you do decide to go ahead and create your own pumpkin patch, be sure to use our Cat’s Claws. You may find that while using our fasteners it will help to keep critters out of your pumpkin patch and that way you will be able to have your own pumpkins year after year. So now that you have put your pumpkin into the ground or compost pile you now have a great fertilizer for your plants or garden!
Have you ever had dinner in a pumpkin? There are multiple recipes out there for soups, pies, bread and so much more. You can also make use of your pumpkins with their seeds. You can read more about what to do with the pumpkin seeds here!
5 Ways to Cook and Eat Pumpkin Seeds (southernliving.com)
Both the pumpkin flesh and seeds are good for animals. If you are going to give your pumpkins to birds or other wildlife, please be sure that your pumpkins do not have any toxic paint on them. Just sit your pumpkin outside and squirrels will be sure to come by and take a bite. Birds would also love to have the seeds out of the pumpkins. All you will need to do is leave the seeds out to dry and either mix them in with a little bird seed or put them outside by themselves and the birds will be sure to thank you.
Do you own livestock or live around anyone who does? Most livestock can eat pumpkins and it is good for them. If you don’t own any farm animals yourself, I am sure a local farmer would be glad to take them off your hands to give their animals a tasty treat. Read more about the safety of pumpkins for your livestock here.
Is it safe for livestock to consume pumpkins after fall festivities are over? – Texas Farm Bureau
Did you know that there are many ways to decorate for Christmas with pumpkins?
Take your pumpkins, paint them white and create a snowman. Have fun with the kids with paint and then add a scarf or toboggan over the stem and now you have yourself a winter decoration.
Another way you can create a snowman out of your pumpkins would be to stack three pumpkins on top of each other, paint them white, add your buttons for eyes and mouth and then for the top pumpkin, paint the stem orange and turn it to where the stem looks like a nose. So many different ideas for decorating for Christmas with pumpkins.
Did you know there are many places that would accept your leftover pumpkins? You can always do a quick google on where to donate pumpkins near you, but most places such as zoo’s, animal shelters, or even local farms. Zookeepers will give some animals pumpkins to play with or to eat. Some sanctuaries will also take pumpkins. This will be a great way for you to get those pumpkins out of your and give some animals a treat. This is also great for the environment. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, pumpkins that end up rotting in landfills create methane gas as they decompose—”a harmful greenhouse gas that plays a part in climate change, with more than 20 times the warming effect of carbon dioxide.”
Those are some of our tips for what you can do with your leftover pumpkins. For other tips for your ranch, homestead or garden fencing, visit Cat’s Claw Fasteners. We would love to hear from you!
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