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Top Fence Configurations for Farm Animals

Fencing is an issue that shepherds, ranchers, and farmers have all tried to master throughout the centuries, with no perfect system ever arising. When you have different animals corralled in one spot, it makes for a difficult time trying to keep them all contained. Choosing the right fencing becomes even more difficult when you keep multiple different species, including horses, cattle, goats, and pigs. They all have separate needs and requirements, and some can be a little harder to keep than others. Here is a list of the top fence configurations for farm animals most seen among the agricultural communities.

Split Rail Fencing as a Standard

For larger animals, split rail fencing is typically the route to take to keep your livestock in one place. It’s to no surprise that horse ranches often use this variety because it is cheap, easy to erect, and lasts for a long time. Horses are known to stay put if there is something high in place, but if they can’t visually see the fence, they will run right into it. That’s why this fencing option has been the tried-and-true method for so long.

Wire Fencing for the More Rambunctious Livestock

Animals such as pigs and cattle are a bit livelier and tend to make messes and escape on occasion. That’s why choosing to go with wire fencing is beneficial, as it’s something that they cannot destroy or dig under no matter how hard they try. If you have cattle and are using paneling, you will need to have a barbed wire fence with barbed wire clips, as they will likely attempt to climb over or even destroy the fencing altogether. Using a combination of wooden posts and cattle or hog paneling prevents most of the fencing from falling due to lack of stability or from the livestock attempting to take it down.

Electric Fencing for Those Tough Situations

Mostly applicable for goats and hogs, electrifying your fencing might be the only option you are left with after they have destroyed or escaped from all other options. Contrary to popular belief, electric fencing is not harmful to animals, and its effects are only psychological. The amount of voltage that these fences emit is only enough to startle the animals into thinking that they shouldn’t go any further.

It could be that a combination of all three fence types is the best fit for your livestock. Using cedarwood posts, hog and cattle panels, and electric fencing to keep your livestock at bay can be very effective. Of all the varieties, wire seems to be the most popular, as it is cheap and easy to purchase and install, with the added benefit that it also lasts a long time with hardly any maintenance required. But for now, these are the top fence configurations for farm animals that are most used.


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